Saturday, February 21, 2009

CNY Gathering 2009

This was actually an event that gave me hope and courage to continue organizing our yearly gathering. Yes, I was amazed by the number of people who actually showed up at QE II this year, especially those whom I have not met with since we graduated, such as Ch'ng Ley Huey, Low Kar Mei, etc...

Of course there were some of those who couldn't make it due to reasons like pregnancy, wedding to attend, etc... but all and all, I was glad that the usual companies did make it, thanks to Lay Wooi, Careena, Wan Ching, Hooi Fen, and those who helped passed the message around. Big applause!!

As for those who didn't make it, here are some pictures...

Everybody was busy catching up, taking pictures, more catching up... blah blah blah... more pictures... snap snap snap... it was a great night that went very quick... miss u all :)


:: Antelope :: said...
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:: Antelope :: said...

Some more... Can watched the show where got guy dancing =.="

But then I am really enjoy that night~~~ Thank you Kah Bee ^^