Sunday, February 27, 2011

U are greatly missed... every single day...

on the morning of 4th January, I received a phone call, telling me my dear friend Wendy has passed on. I took a deep breath and swallowed all my tears, made sure no one could see my sorrow, and continued to work.

I tried not to cry so hard, but the tears flowed like the river... like there was no stopping for this pain... stood before your photo and felt myself shivering so hard, from the fear of accepting the truth...

there you lied motionlessly... and yet the memories of your smiles seemed like it was only yesterday, that we joked and laughed at each other...

I have never said, never said that I loved you greatly my dear friend, never said that I cherished your friendship from the bottom of my heart... never said I was mad at you because I truly cared...

thank you for the memories, thank you for the friendship, you are the only you that will always live inside my heart ^^

Sunday, February 06, 2011

接班人 ~ WANTED

從 2007 開始,我們固定的每一年的大年初三都來一個同學會。風雨不改,到今年已經 5 年了。



希望未來的 10 年,20 年,30 年,這一班老朋友的心依然繫在一起。